Ericka Wallace, Campus Life Site Leader, walked into the Spanaway Lake High School lunchroom for the first time in over a year. What used to be a regular occurrence and one of the easiest ways to connect with kids had taken a long pause over the last year.
Ministry never stopped through the challenges of this past season, but it sometimes felt like the hurdles of this year made introducing young people to the life-changing hope of Jesus more difficult than ever.
As Ericka moved through the lunchroom, she ran into Becca. The last time Ericka had seen Becca was early in 2020 and her life was full of struggle. Becca had been on drugs, involved in lots of troubling and dangerous activities, and most of her relationships were unhealthy.
The Becca Ericka met in 2021’s lunchroom was a completely different person. Somewhere in the last 16 months, she’d given her life to Jesus. She has said goodbye to the drugs and dangerous behaviors and said yes to church. Her boyfriend is also a Christian and she’s careful who she lets influence her life.
Becca’s story seemed impossible. She had not had contact with Campus Life leaders or attended a Club online or in-person over the last year and sometimes a life can seem too lost in struggle. We don’t know for sure that the seeds sown by Campus Life leaders in 2020 are what grew into the change in Becca that Ericka witnessed in 2021, but it is clear that our obstacles are not God’s obstacles. When God lets us have a direct hand in impacting change, it’s a gift. But more often than not the true gift is witnessing His miraculous ability to draw hurting people close to Him no matter how insurmountable the odds.
Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”
Matthew 19:26
If you’d like a front-row seat to see God changing lives of young people in our community, click below for more information on Campus Life or how you can get involved.

Ericka Wallace
Ericka is passionate about sharing the love of Christ with those around her, especially youth. She leads Tacoma YFC's Spanaway Lake High School Campus Life site as well as serving as the Worship and Youth Pastor at Crossroads Church in Spanaway.