There are 100,000 11-19 year-olds across Pierce County.
This generation of young people is battling suicide, depression, anxiety, and has a deep yearning for answers to the questions, “Who am I?”, “Why am I here?” and “Who can I trust?” The good news is, we have the solution – personal, life-transforming relationships and the good news of the love and grace of Jesus Christ.
WATCH NOW: Meeting young people right where they are
What We Do
Tacoma YFC's Ministry Models

Reaching expectant & parenting teens

Helping teenagers in need

On campus youth outreach
Make A Difference
Anyone can impact the lives of Pierce County youth. Here are 3 simple ways you can jump in now:
Prayer is a critical support to our work of equipping leaders and bringing the hope of Jesus to 11-19 year olds across Pierce County. We'd love to have you on our prayer team!
We are committed to equipping and mobilizing leaders to reach youth all over Pierce County. We would love to have you join us in one of the many roles available.
We could not accomplish this work without the generous support of people like you. Would you consider a financial gift to further our work of reaching young people?
Why YFC?

Latest News

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