Our Response to Racial Injustice

Dear members of the TYFC community, We remember that at this time many of our youth and leaders are hurting. We are faced with discrimination and xenophobia against Asians, and the collective trauma from the killings of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and many more. Our hearts break for their families and our communities. […]

Can He Save Me?

Can He Save Me? Tacoma YFC

The only time I interacted with “Jaleea” before online club, she was being bullied at school, and I intervened. She didn’t want to talk with me then, but when she randomly showed up on our club chat, I was silently praising God! As I sat in an empty room talking to a camera, I wondered […]

The Promise Of The Other Side

Tacoma Area Youth For Christ

One of my favorite stories in the Bible and one that has pushed, encouraged, and comforted me is the story of Jesus calming the storm. (Mark 4:35-41) In the story, Jesus gathers his disciples and tells them to get in the boat so that they can go to the other side. Well, while the disciples […]

Aiden Found Connection

Aiden found community

Aiden* is quiet, very kind, and sensitive. He lives between his mom and dad’s homes and has a tough relationship with his dad.  Before we’d met him and before he’d been invited by another student, one day he showed up at Campus Life Club at Spanaway Lake High School. He tells Site Leader Ericka Wallace […]

Best Part of the Job

Why our Volunteer Coordinator loves onboarding new leaders My favorite part of my job is getting to sit down and hear every volunteer’s story. I love hearing about people’s relationships with Jesus, their story, how God brought them to YFC, and why they care about being in relationship with kids. The question “What gifts do […]

Seeing Your Community With Fresh Eyes

Tacoma Youth For Christ Tillicum City Life

Two years ago during Spring Break at our Tillicum City Life Center, we put together a Leadership Day Camp featuring activities and conversations about topics like healthy relationships, setting goals, and observing the assets in their neighborhood. If you’re not familiar with Tillicum, it is one-square mile isolated by a lake on one side, and […]

2019 Annual Report

Are you the new janitor?

Graham-Kapowsin Campus Life

“Are you the new janitor?” This is the question that students at Graham-Kapowsin High School kept asking Jon Asher, our Campus Life Site Leader at G-K. It’s not because he wears a Bethel School District badge, nor because he wears coveralls or industrial shirts at the school. It’s because he can constantly be seen around […]

Building Unity

What are some of the issues that divide our communities? Think of every hot topic you may be avoiding or debating this holiday season. Our families, communities, churches and young people are divided in so many ways and we as believers are somehow supposed to overcome all this misunderstanding and be the bridge. Honestly, that […]

Unexpected Encouragement

I met Lila four years ago. She is bold and stubborn and has had to operate in “survival” mode for as long as I have known her.  Mom on drugs, dad in prison, nine brothers and sisters. A pimp took advantage of her vulnerability. She has been in and out of “the life” for the […]