News & Stories

Embracing the Call Despite Challenges Tacoma YFC Youth for Christ Remann Hall Juvenile Justice Ministry Tim Chavira

Embracing the Call

My Lack, God’s Increase

For over six years, I have been visiting the youth facility, and yet, there are still times when my nemesis tries to creep in. It attempts to stop me and deter me without any rhyme or reason. When it strikes, it triggers an array of thoughts—fears, doubts, inadequacies. Whether it’s a spiritual battle or a health-related issue, I often find myself at a crossroads. Do I allow the anxiety of the unknown or the fear of failing to outweigh my calling and passion to be present with young people who need the hope of Jesus? It would be easy to come up with an excuse not to serve, to not show up, to embrace my lack and give up altogether. But if not me, who? If not now, when?

The Unsung Heroes Behind the Scenes

We often share stories about the young people we serve, but we rarely highlight the behind-the-scenes struggles of our volunteers. They face their own battles to be present, whether it’s engaging in activities despite chronic back pain, taking a young person to an appointment amidst other responsibilities, or, like in my case, showing up even when another anxiety attack is looming.

Turning Challenges into Triumphs

There are moments when my lack tempts me to give up. Yet, when I step out in trust, believing that God will see me through and provide the peace I need to be present in the moment, He does. Some of the hardest nights at Remann Hall Juvenile Detention Center have turned into the sweetest over the years. These are the times when I’ve had the opportunity to pray with a teen who previously wouldn’t engage with me or to share the story of Jesus with someone who only knew of Him through a family member. These are the moments when God reveals Himself to me, showing me that my lack is His increase.

Faithful Presence

When I enter those two-inch thick locked doors at the detention center, I do so not in my own confidence but with the assurance that God will see me through. He works through me even when I feel like I have nothing to give because He is faithful. Our volunteers embody this spirit every day, overcoming their personal challenges to bring hope and love to the young people we serve. Their dedication is a testament to the incredible impact of faith and perseverance.

If you’d like to know more about the work we do in Remann Hall and how you can be involved, click below or reach out to us at

Picture of Tim Chavira

Tim Chavira

Community Ministries Director