Ministry can often become a huge part of one’s identity.
You can get tempted to find worth in helping others, teaching the bible, praying for others, being looked up to, etc.
A couple of months ago, I was having a one-on-one meeting with one of the volunteer leaders from our Tacoma Parent Life ministry. We caught up on life and how she was doing personally. I encouraged and challenged her as I felt led and we prayed. We both felt the presence of God and experienced God clearly speaking to both of us about her life and circumstances. We were both so energized by God’s power and care for her. At the end of our time together, she had a moment that was super inspirational to me and so in line with God’s heart towards all of us.
I was transitioning the conversation so I could say goodbye and jump out of her car when she looked at me intensely and said, “I thought my role at YFC was all about ministry to the girls but really God has been doing something in me the whole time.”
That moment was so powerful for me as I thought about how God in his infinite power, strength, might, and just wholly-above and otherness cares for the well-being of this volunteer and her family. Though part of her calling as a Christian is to be a minister of the gospel, being involved with YFC in pursuing not-yet-believing teens has brought up opportunities for her to seek God for identity, worth, healing, and hope.
She realized that regardless of whether the girls in the ministry were responding to her or not, regardless of how her interactions with them were that last week on zoom, and regardless if her mentorship relationship with one of the teens is successful or not, that God cares for her and is still doing what God does best in her. He is healing her of her fears, rejection, hurt, and confusion as she runs to him with all of herself, all the while giving herself away in service to teens.

Anabelle Chambers
Anabelle is the Site Leader for Metro Tacoma Area Parent Life and our interim JJM Director. She has a huge heart for empowering volunteers and creating spaces for teen parents to encounter Jesus.
For more information on Parent Life or how you can get involved, click below.