Learning on a lake? Sign us up!
Earlier this summer Campus Life site leaders invited students to join in a day of leadership training lakeside. Ericka Wallace from Spanaway Lake Campus Life, Greg Thompson from Narrows View Intermediate Campus Life, Heide Maschhoff from Orting Campus Life, and SaraBeth Wadsworth from Thomas Middle School Campus Life Military pulled together a day of workshops inviting kids to dig deeper into God’s story and their relationships with others.
Around 16 kids gathered at a property on Spanaway Lake to learn and grow in their leadership skills. And they had some FUN! What’s a day by a lake without some tubing? Or volleyball?

The fruits of the training were immediate and evident. Leaders saw students serve each other in practical ways and also step up in prayer. During a volleyball game, one girl shouted, “Hey, pop quiz!” and asked the group to recall things they’d learned that day. Even though learning time was over and play time had begun, she was still thinking through the concepts from that morning.
One mom texted Heide and said, “Opportunities like that are exactly what he needs right now.” Heide reached out to start a conversation about upcoming leadership opportunities for her son.
At the end of the day, everyone was given the opportunity to reflect on their day and next steps. One student said, “I think I’m going to start talking to my friends more about Jesus!”
Whether it’s leading a discussion, praying for a peer, talking to their friends about Jesus, or setting up chairs and handing out snacks, there are innumerable ways these students can carry what they’ve learned into the Fall as schools start up again.
We can’t wait to see what God does in the lives of these young leaders!
Interested in learning more about Campus Life and how you can be involved? Click below!
If you love stories that celebrate what happens when young people connect their stories to the hope of Jesus, be sure to catch the live stream of our online Celebration of Hope Auction on October 9th! Click below for more information.