News & Stories

Mason Found His Place In God’s Story

Recently at Campus Life, we were sharing God’s story out of the True Story Series, designed to help teens discover their role in God’s story of restoring the world. This particular lesson shared the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. We had four boys who were acting out and distracting the other students. 

After the talk, Mason came up to me and said that he was sorry that the other students were disrespectful. He told me how he used to act like them, but things had changed. He asked if he could share his story with the other students and we arranged a time to meet and help him organize his story.

Mason is 14 years old. He and his mom spent his first two years living out of their car. At age 2, Mason’s Dad, who was rarely around, was the victim of a drive-by shooting in California. He was struck in the head and left in a vegetative state. During the past several years Mason’s grandpa, aunt, and cousin have all passed away.

As a result, Mason began to believe that God did not care about him and was absent in his life. He began to act out and disrespect his mom and stepdad. He was sneaking out at night, arguing with his parents and breaking their rules. Mason also felt that God had abandoned him.

In Campus Life this year, God began to show Mason that he did in fact still care about him through the adults and student leaders. Mason listened to the talks regarding God’s love for him and the sacrifice Jesus had made. He realized that God had given him a stepdad, a person that chose to love him even though they were not biologically related, to teach him about God’s love for him. Mason decided that he should respond to that love by treating his parents and other people with respect and compassion.

A week later Mason shared his story with 35 students and adults at Campus Life. He shared his personal experience as well as the Gospel. As a result, other students are wanting to share their story next! 

We are praying that this movement by the Spirit will develop even more authentic, Christ-sharing relationships.

Interested in learning more about Campus Life and how you can be involved? Click here!

Picture of Greg Thompson

Greg Thompson

Ministry site leader at Narrows View Intermediate School and YFC Leader since 2018