As schools, restaurants, and venues are starting to open up, so are our opportunities for ministry with youth! In fact, there has been so much opportunity in Lakewood that one staff was not enough. So without further ado, we would like to welcome you to our newest staff member: Eldie Gentry! Eldie will be joining Andrew Kruse, as they work together to continue ministry in Tillicum, Springbrook, and the Woodmark Apartments – and also raise up more teams of volunteers in additional Lakewood communities.
Andrew and his team have faithfully served in the Lakewood community for the past four years – cultivating relationships with youth and adults, and partnering with churches, schools, and non-profit organizations. As a result, God has opened doors for ministry in the communities of Tillicum, Springbrook, and the Woodmark Apartments (a partnership with Apartment Life). The long term vision for City Life in Lakewood is to empower several missional communities of adult leaders to build authentic, Christ-sharing relationships with 11-19 year olds in specific neighborhoods throughout Lakewood. The opportunities are endless!
Our teams of volunteers in these Lakewood neighborhoods will find ways to engage youth in relationships, and find opportunities to share with them the life-changing hope that’s found in Jesus Christ. The holistic ministry approach of City Life speaks to identifying the potential of each individual young person to be transformed by the power of Christ, and to become influential leaders in their own communities. Our vision is that this current generation of youth would be the next generation of adult volunteers who are impacting youth in Lakewood, and we needed another staff member like Eldie to accomplish this goal!

A little more about Eldie...
What are you excited about in your new role?I’m excited about focusing on serving the youth and their families outside of the traditional church context. Also having the opportunity to co-labor or partner with individuals, and other ministries that share God’s heart to reach people who don’t know they are loved and cared for.Why YFC?The vision of doing local missionary work to minister and hopefully win souls within the community was something that I found difficult to do as a pastor, without assuming our motive was simply to get them to go to our church. But YFC appealed to me as a way to make a long-term investment to meet people where they are, instead of where we are.Is a hot dog a sandwich?Definitely not. I feel that is disrespectful to a good french dip, pastrami, or club sandwich. I would never go to a sandwich shop and assume a hot dog would be an option. But I do love cheese coneys (a Cincinnati, Ohio version of a hotdog).What is the best book you’ve read lately?Francis Chan’s “Letters to the Church”What is the best prank you’ve pulled?Not much of prankster, but during the first 2 weeks of lockdown in Covid I called my son downstairs for his help, and hid on top of the counter in the corner to shoot him with a multi-round nerf gun. My wife then bought us all nerf guns and we played “family war” every night for about a week in lockdown.Besides Jesus, what is one of your passions or hobbies?I love bass fishing no matter what season of the year. I love sports too, but fishing is a great hobby to refresh and not get injured doing it.Welcome to the team, Eldie!If you’d like more information on the City Life ministry in Lakewood or how you can get involved, click below.

Andrew Kruse
Lakewood City Life Coordinator